Candy Kebabs

When was the last time you took a trip to Elora?
Spring is a great time to visit Elora. The colours are starting to get brighter, the plants are slowly starting to grow and bloom, and the air is getting fresh and crisp.
Our favourite thing about Spring in Elora is that the tourists are really starting to come back.
We have extended our hours to accommodate the people who are visiting us.
We look forward to seeing you in Elora and be sure to stop into Sweet Distractions for a fresh sweet treat.
Our shelves are filling with the fresh candies, and sweets that you are sure to love.
One of the most popular springtime treats are the Candy Kebabs we carry.
These treats are perfect for nibbling on as you walk through Elora, and enjoy the sights, and shopping that we have to offer. They are also perfect for your kid's Easter baskets.
We look forward to your visit.